2020-01-07 @ 7:00PM at Washington Black Bear
In Attendance: Polly, Nancy, Heidi, Kris, Kate, LeAnn, Jennifer, Mike, Summer, & Jan
Reimbursements: Unanimously approved to reimburse Kris $19.35 for flyers and stamps
Heidi – 2 new members bringing the total to 50 something
Training director:
Upcoming classes
obedience – (puppy, beyond)? 5 signed up so far.
Keith will contact PAWS and RSQ Dogs for possible candidates if there is room in the class.
What is Gail’s preferred max class size?
Looking for assistants. Possible split duties if someone can’t make all. Nancy will assist Gail the first two classes. Summer will assist the rest. It was discussed that more confident assistants are needed who can get in there and work with students to better help the instructors.
Agility – beginning and intermediate.
Kris is teaching beginning. Summer assisting. 2 signed up.
Leann is teaching intermediate. 1 signed up. 2 people at the meeting have intentions on signing up.
Nose Game – New class!!!
Leann and Gail are teaming up to teach the class.
3 dogs signed up so far. Pass the work around!
Old Business:
Field status.
As of mid Dec the grass was looking good but tender
New grass is still growing slowly and looking tender in a few spots. Classes will do their best to go easy on those spots. If that fails sod is always an option. It was agreed that we should pick a spot to leave the dog walk and A frame equipment set up on the grass. The action of moving them on and off the field is too hard on the grass. All instructors will be responsible to let their students know that the equipment is not to be played on during other classes.
Recreational league
Still planning. Yes
Summer update? Summer will write a description to put on website. Participants will need to sign up in advance. Fee is $20 for all 4 weeks. Will run March 7th, 14th, 28th, (skipping 21st due to Polly’s seminar), and April 4th. Kris to judge first week so her and Summer can finalize rules and point system. Polly to judge the 14th. Gail and LeAnn have agreed to judge one week as well, just waiting on dates of availability.
New Business:
Looking into a NADAC event in St George
A bit more complicated than originally thought.
Summer update? Had a good long discussion about it. LeAnn and Kris will talk to Donna at trial this weekend to get more details about her willingness to help. Summer will find out about Diamond Z insurance requirements and cancellation policy. It was agreed that it will be a lot of work, we would rather have it in St. George but Cedar is looking the best option right now, and we would all like to pursue it further. Summer will also get a spreadsheet of expenses going and share it with the board.
Sara Carson seminar
She will be in the area in April.
Only Sunday’s available
Kris spoke with Donna… maybe not a good idea
Would be good publicity for the club but worth it? No not worth it. LeAnn attended the one at Smarty Paws and it was not a good experience. Unanimously voted not to do it.
Nose Work seminar – Not discussed.
Adjournment: 8:39 pm Polly motioned to adjourn, unanimously approved.